The EU AI Act has just passed. Here’s what it means for your business and here’s our guide to staying ahead
of the curve.

How often are you using AI in your day-to-day work? Do you have big plans to do it more? We’ve seen many organisations introduce innovations in how they recruit, onboard and help employees develop and give feedback through AI — we even created a course on it!
Earlier this month, the European Union passed their own Artificial Intelligence Act (otherwise known as the EU AI Act) which is set to shake up how AI is handled across EU member states.
This will affect many Irish and UK organisations that do business or employ people in the EU. There is also the consideration that the UK has set forth its own, principle-based guidelines for using AI (albeit under a now-different government).

As is often the case when it comes to matters like data protection, the EU’s new act is likely to have some influence on the measures Ireland and the UK choose to adopt in future. With that in mind, here’s a very quick run-through of what the new act entails:
All AI systems will be categorized into various levels of risk.
For AI systems deemed ‘high risk,’ multiple measures will need to be taken by employers.
AI systems will need to be transparent about their nature.
The EU will oversee and levy fines for non-compliance with any of the above.
To prepare for roll-out, we’d recommend that HR teams and Managers familiarize themselves with the EU’s new act — but perhaps more importantly, learn a little bit more about the role that AI is already playing in HR and how teams can get ahead of the curve.