Human Resources (HR) IS A division of a business that is responsible for finding, Recruiting,
screening, and training Employees. It also looks after employee benefits programs. HR plays a
key role in helping businesses deal with a fast-changing business environment and a greater
demand for quality employees in the 21st century. An HR department is an important
component of any business regardless of an organisation’s size. HR is responsible for maximizing
employee productivity and protecting the company from any issues that may arise within the
workforce. HR Responsibilities include compensation and benefits, recruitment, retention, firing
, and keeping up to date with any laws that may affect the company and its employees.

- -Managing and utilising people effectively
- -Developing competencies that enhance individual and organisational performance.
- -Increasing the innovation, creativity, and flexibility necessary to enhance competitiveness.
- -Applying new approaches to work processes , design succession planning, career development
- Interorganisational mobility.